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Dowd Scheffel Submits Supreme Court Amicus Curiae Brief in Universal Secure Registry v. Apple

Dowd Scheffel

March 2, 2022: Dowd Scheffel submitted a Supreme Court amicus curiae brief on behalf of Paul R. Michel, former Chief Judge of the U.S Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This case (Universal Secure Registry, LLC v. Apple Inc., No. 21-1056) is another instance in which patent applicants are seeking more clarity on the issue of patent eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101. Patents are a critical part of the success of American business and they need to be a strong part of the business development/investment process. Chief Judge Michel has been a vocal advocate for more clarity on this issue and the need to make sure the law protects American innovation going forward. Judge Michel’s brief has been noted in the press. Matthew J. Dowd was counsel of record and was joined by Robert J. Scheffel, as well able assistance from Elliot Gee and Adam Smith. A copy of the brief can be found here.


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