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Trademark Work

Trademarks are often used by companies and brands to distinguish themselves from competition and create a brand image. Trademarks can help a brand by establishing trust in a community and creating an easily recognizable brand for an audience. Trademarks also protect this brand image from replication. We work with our clients through the trademark process to make sure that they are able to effectively protect their brand with a trademark. Working with us, you know we will get to understand your business aspirations and how a trademark will help your business. Throughout the application process, our attorneys will give you their advice with your goals in mind. After your trademark is approved, your brand will be more confident and secure, so we want to help you get their through our strategic practices.


Trademarks. Our trademark practice focuses on strategic procurement and counseling with an eye toward the client’s commercial goals.  We can handle a diverse range of procurement and portfolio management services, including the protection and enforcement of trademarks. From the inception of a trademark, we are committed to the protection, commercialization and enforcement of that IP. That is why we invest time and energy to understand each client’s business strategies and help them understand how IP fits. With that knowledge in hand, we assist our clients in selection, right-to-use evaluation, registration, assignment, maintenance, portfolio management and licensing.  We also counsel companies, manufacturers, software developers, publishers, and other business entities on how to protect their works. We are also experienced in bringing and defending opposition and cancellation proceedings in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).


Notable Trademark Work:

MDM Photo.jpg

Manos de Maiz (

    A local DC  business dedicated to providing authentic, fresh Mexican street food.

Chris' Marketplace (

     A local food outlet that sells the perfect crab cake. Our work for them included trademarking a product name.


@pizza (

     A pizza restaurant in England that focuses on counter-culture pizza. We defended them in a branding dispute with &pizza, which is based in the United States.

Shred It and Shed It


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